

Conversational tactics: block and counter

This technique has been incredibly useful to me. Sometimes it even results in genuine reflection and changed behavior.


Questionable answers

Note: The quote paraphrased in the first panel is often attributed to Richard Feynman; while it is consistent with other remarks and writing by Feynman, I'm not aware of a reliable source to validate that attribution.


All the knowledge you can shake a stick at

A reminder from our Editor in Chief: Stickipedia is for sticks only. If ONE MORE PERSON tries to write an article about a log, a branch, or a twig, I will TRACK YOU DOWN, so help me.




CAUTION: mental choking hazard

I've been trying to think about the coming year, but a year is an awful lot to wrap my head around. Feels like a mental choking hazard. I'm not saying anyone should ignore it, but maybe it's worth dividing into smaller bites.
If I'm still around in a year, the only thing I know for sure is that I'll be one year older.