
Unexpected occurrences

Their reactions are absolutely priceless.


Conversational tactics: block and counter

This technique has been incredibly useful to me. Sometimes it even results in genuine reflection and changed behavior.


Questionable answers

Note: The quote paraphrased in the first panel is often attributed to Richard Feynman; while it is consistent with other remarks and writing by Feynman, I'm not aware of a reliable source to validate that attribution.


Characteristics in common

...so I guess ideas and wings are also like money.


The Void, annoyed

The subject of today's Remake Monday was first posted on 12 January 2016. It looked like this:


All the knowledge you can shake a stick at

A reminder from our Editor in Chief: Stickipedia is for sticks only. If ONE MORE PERSON tries to write an article about a log, a branch, or a twig, I will TRACK YOU DOWN, so help me.


Patient status

It might be time to update patient status to 'hypercritical condition'.


Everyday excitements

Every day brings its own excitements.


Uncertain provenance

Many of them have uncertain etymologies. Disputed, at best.


CAUTION: mental choking hazard

I've been trying to think about the coming year, but a year is an awful lot to wrap my head around. Feels like a mental choking hazard. I'm not saying anyone should ignore it, but maybe it's worth dividing into smaller bites.
If I'm still around in a year, the only thing I know for sure is that I'll be one year older.