

Oh no



  1. Hey! Where did you get the idea for this?

    1. From the slight written and spoken similarity of 'sani-' and 'satan'. I didn't check to see whether it had been done before, because I didn't want to be influenced by someone else's version of the idea (which I sort of expected had been done before).

  2. I laughed so hard my stomach hurt when I first saw this. I have seen a few other comics with the "satanizer" wordplay, however the true joy of this particular comic is the idea of looking down to find angry little satan heads staring back up at you. I think I'm going to print it out and hang it on my fridge, circa grandma 2003. I might even laminate it. Joy is hard won in today's hellscape, I feel like every little scrap must be clung to and cherished. Thank you for doing what you do, sometimes a deep belly laugh is the thing that keeps you from putting your head in the oven.

    1. Fridge placement would be a tremendous honor! I'm glad you enjoyed it and I hope I can come up with more that have the same effect in the future.
