
Try elsewhere


A tiny desert island with a single palm tree also has a posted sign, bigger than the tree, reading "No castaways".

The thought process for this one went something like: "I have no ideas." "Then do something hackneyed. Try a castaway gag." "No." And there it was.



Out there


A human astronaut floats in space and faces two indeterminate forms, perhaps the tentacular limbs of some alien or individual heads on long necks. Caption: "Sometimes the great big universe gets so lonesome / that you start to wish for monsters".
and hope that they are out there wishing for you




A bald figure with an unkempt beard and wild stare holds a sign that formerly read "The end is near"; the final word has been crossed out and replaced with "being withheld as punishment".

This is probably doctrinal to some real group out there, huh?


A message

A scroll is unrolled, revealing upon its surface a drawing of an angry stick figure pointing at an upheld scroll bearing the word "Unsubscribe" in pseudo-calligraphy.

Release me from the torment of your unceasing epistles.