

Slowing down


A tired person lies on their back on the floor and speaks the text of this post, repeated below for your convenience: "Dear readers,   I am slowing down lately beyond the strength of my denial to ignore, and the daily schedule I've kept for about 99% of the last thirteen years has become untenable. Naturally I am riddled with worries over The Future &c. plus a compulsion to immediately define the new terms of my self-imposed life sentence in the cartoon mines, but for now all I can say is that it's going to be more than weekly and less than daily for the foreseeable future.    The good news is that the full archives are right there on CrustaceanSingles.com (more navigable on the desktop view, BTW) with 4762 posts to binge. The early years are rough, but some of them still have a certain scruffy charm. I apologize in advance for the handwriting.    To reiterate: I'm not going away. I am slowing down for a while. Read my old stuff if you find yourself jonesing. Thank you for being here."

1 comment:

  1. Hey my guy. I found this blog about 4 years ago. I was Googling about apophenia and your "Apophenia on the couch" post came up (still one of my favorites, by the way), and I figured I'd take a look at more of your stuff. I worked my way forward for a few months and got caught up to the daily posts at that time, then took it the other direction and worked backwards through the archives until I'd seen them all, extended mental healths and sidebar projects included. It's a lot of fun going backwards through them. You get to see how so much of the style of your comics has changed over the years. But then for a while I got to just enjoy the comics each day as they came out. At that time, I was in graduate school, not long after you if I remember the chronology of the comics. Then I had a kid, not long after you did. I've always found the comics relatable and entertaining in those ways. Then I got busy with life and couldn't keep up with the dailys anymore, so I'd just check on the site every now and then to see what was up. Well, a couple months ago I realized I had missed a lot of new comics along the way, so I backtracked and read all of those... Then I went back through all the archives and read everything again. It felt like rewatching a favorite show: comfortable, familiar, and still immensely entertaining. And now it's now, and I'm re-catching up on the dailys, and I see this. I'm happy for you for being able to know when it's time to slow things down. I hope that not having to keep up with the comics every day will give you time to focus on the most important things in your life. I'm certainly glad you're not closing up shop for good, though, because your comics have brought me so much joy.

    P.s. my favorite comic in your entire works is "The application of heat." Buddy, I'm not even bread yet.
