


Red Guy, whose head has sprouted an arm that holds between thumb and forefinger a piece of paper reading (in pixelated text) "Click here for more information" with an image of a mouse cursor (also pixelated). Blue Guy folds two arms and extends a squinting eye on a stalk to read Red Guy's paper. Blue Guy scowls.

No, I don't think I will.  

(CrustaceanSingles presents: Red Guy and Blue Guy, where the 'guy's are gender-neutral and the colors are an accident of birth, not a sign of political or sports affiliation. And they change shape! It's fun.)


Upon the land


In a tiny landscape contained in a modified square stoneware pan some 30 centimeters to a side, among real miniature cacti and a trimmed-down specimen of Utah fleabane grown from gathered seed, Red Guy and Blue Guy have changed shape to that of a barrel cactus and a branched columnar cactus respectively. They smile, amused with themselves. Red Guy says, "heh". Blue Guy says "heh heh". Red Guy says, "Cactus."

"We should say cactus things."

"Go hug yourself! Is that something?"

"The thingness is not in question. But is it a cactus something?"

(Tiny landscape cultivated and arranged by Andrew Livingston, who is also me.)

(CrustaceanSingles presents: Red Guy and Blue Guy, where the 'guy's are gender-neutral and the colors are an accident of birth, not a sign of political or sports affiliation. And they change shape! It's fun.)


Next question


In a closeup, Red Guy looks nervous while asking, "Is it always wrong to lie?" Zoomed out, Red Guy and Blue Guy stare uncomfortably at each other. In another closeup, Blue Guy looks nervous while saying, "I am not prepared to comment on the matter at this time."

Next question.

(CrustaceanSingles presents: Red Guy and Blue Guy, where the 'guy's are gender-neutral and the colors are an accident of birth, not a sign of political or sports affiliation. And they change shape! It's fun.)


Shape of the cloud


Blue Guy, shaped like a fluffy cloud, floats wordlessly at the top of the frame. Red Guy, shaped like a cloud if a cloud could sit ponderously on the ground, says, "Though I change my shape to that of the cloud, I cannot float, for my heart is heavy."


CrustaceanSingles presents: Red Guy and Blue Guy, where the 'guy's are gender-neutral and the colors are an accident of birth, not a sign of political or sports affiliation. And they change shape! It's fun.